Dr. Afrousheh Amini, ND

Naturopathic Doctor

From Burnout to “This Girl is On Fire” – A Functional Medicine approach to reclaiming your Health and Inner Goddess

Dr. Amini, ND talks about how to conquer being burnt out, using a Functional Medicine Approach.

Session Takeaways

Easy steps to take to reduce stress, restore and optimize health by targeting the mind, body and spiritual aspects of wellbeing.

About Dr. Afrousheh Amini, ND

Dr. Afrousheh Amini is a Naturopathic Doctor trained in Functional Medicine with a passionate 10+ year career. She is a firm believer in the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit. Her resume boasts a range of credentials that are only matched by the genuine love and warmth she has for every patient that walks through her door.

Her motto is that an absence of disease does not equate to health. When it comes to chronic illnesses, there are often many underlying factors that lead patients to their current diagnosis. True, vibrant health comes about by uncovering these underlying factors and treating the root cause of disease.

Three beliefs that guide her approach:

1) An unwavering desire to help people. All people. In her eyes, health and wellness look different for everyone. It’s diverse and inclusive. There is a singular image of what a healthy person looks like.

2) Mindset matters — it’s connected to everything.

3) Our society tends to accept suboptimal feelings as normal. Normal isn’t necessarily good. Better than normal is.

Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine — Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Functional Medicine — Institute of Functional Medicine
Masters of Science, Counseling Psychology — Nova Southeastern University
Holistic Nutrition — Institute of Holistic Nutrition
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology — McMaster University

